The average American consumes more than 140 pounds of potatoes each year. But did you know that this popular side dish can also serve double duty as a battery. In fact, with enough potatoes you could power just about anything:
- 600,000 potatoes are capable of powering one 60 watt light bulb
- 3,300,000 can power one server
- 26,400,000,000,000 could power a single 10,000 sq. ft. data center
That’s right, with enough potatoes; you could power your entire computing environment. The question, however, becomes who is going to manage that same environment? From the electricity to the operating system, who can you turn to for continuous, secure high availability and continuous network solutions?
Your Computing Environment Shelf life
Unless you monitor, manage, and continually review that environment, this shelf life is going to run out. Expedient offers a wide range of managed data services and network connectivity solutions to ensure that your IT infrastructure is running at optimal performance. With eight data centers strategically located across the country, our managed data services are designed to increase the availability of your business critical applications and data. Our Data Center experts are here to review your computing environment, offering insights on:
- Disaster recovery plans
- Cloud computing solution opportunities
- Increasing system capabilities with less resources
Don’t let your computing environment’s shelf life run out. Sit down for a 30 minute IT review with Expedient. Contact us today to learn more.